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Daysha is a happy, loving, warm child with an awesome sense of humor. She is an honor roll student in her online virtual learning classes and she impresses her teachers every day.
Just for Fun
A Surprise Birthday Treat for Daysha
AirPods for Daysha that are compatible with her iPhone
Shopping trip for Daysha to purchase winter clothes at H&M
A Shopping Spree for Daysha who loves to shop for fashion
Bowling Shoes for Daysha who loves going bowling with her family
New pajamas for Daysha who loves to make people laugh
A New Video Game for Daysha who loves to play games
New Boots for Daysha who loves the outdoors
Purple electric scooter for Daysha who is a dare devil
New Nintendo 3DS Super Mario 3D Land Edition for 8 y/o Daysha who has a warm heart