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Donte loves to always put others first, and is a great honor roll student. He loves football, video games, coloring, racing, dancing, music and electronics.
Just for Fun
A few collectible figures for Donte this Christmas
Education & Employment
Uniforms for Donte to wear in the cold winter months
Uniforms for Donte to look his best at school this year
Comfortable pants for Donte who is eager and nervous for school
Awesome water park experience for Donte who is a football star
A New Nintendo Switch Joycon for Donte who loves football
New Video Games for Donte who loves football
New tablet for Divine who loves school
New video game for Donte who gave up playing sports so he could help tutor his peers
A shopping trip for Donte who loves Marvel characters.
New uniforms for Donte who loves making new friends
New uniforms for Donte who is doing well in school
New video game for Donte who has donated some of his old games
New uniforms for Donte who can not wait to make new friends
New clothes for Donte who is starting a new school
Football Cleats for Donte who loves Football
A LEGO storage chest for Donte to keep all of his LEGO's in one spot
NY Giants Jacket for D.H. who always puts others first
Toys and games for 10 y/o D.H. who does not like to ask for much