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About Kierra

Kierra is 27 years old and lives in TX

Kierra is an exceptional young woman who enjoys inspiring others and creating atmospheres of growth and development among all whom she encounters. After spending two years in foster care, Kierra was led to make a transforming decision and asked to be adopted at the age of 16. In both her biological and current family she has two older siblings and two younger siblings making her a unique young adult with individuals to inspire under her and look up to over her. She is dedicated to her education and was the first to graduate both high school and achieve her associates degree in her biological family. She aspires to be a family attorney prior to working in criminal law. Kierra is also very active in school organizations at her college including Gospel Choir, of which she is a founding member, and the Criminal Justice Student Association. She is also a founding member of the Young Women's Advisory Council in Dallas, sponsored by the Dallas Women's Foundation.