Joey is a beautiful, loving little boy. He is currently non verbal and not potty trained. Joey is delayed and functioning at a much younger age at. He has down syndrome and level 3 autism. Joey is non verbal but is very affectionate and outgoing. Joey loves to give hugs, run around and also sit and flip through picture books. He has recently been making eye contact with his caregivers. Joey has been in his current placement for one year. During this time his caregivers have advocated strongly for him. Through their efforts they were able to get an accurate diagnosis of Level 3 Autism, which has helped explain a lot to the team regarding Joey's needs. Joey began an intensive therapy program this past spring called ABA Therapy. Not only has this therapy helped him with making eye contact, it has helped him learn to communicate with the outside world. He is currently using a system called Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). He is able to point to pictures in a book when he wants a drink, is hungry, bath time, potty needs (not potty trained yet) etc… The next step in his communication progression will utilize technology which may be Joey's only way to communicate as he gets older. There are a great deal of unknown factors regarding what he will be capable of, but his care team believes technology will help this beautiful boy communicate with the world as he grows up