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About Mercedes

Mercedes is 29 years old and lives in CA

Mercedes, just got her first place! She has worked hard and now has her own family. She has a son Astro age, 7 months and a little girl Ava, 2 years old. Ava is a girly girl, loves dressing up, Frozen and playing “Let it Go” all day. Astro just got his first tooth and loves to crawl. When they can they like to go to the park, feed the ducks, and go hiking. She was accepted in to college for Political Science, but plans changed when she had Ava. She is the first in her family to attend college, she received her AA in Political Science. She is now going back to school part time and getting her Child Development Certificate. She is working towards her BA and wants to get involved with Foster Care Advocacy. She loves pets, and has 2 dogs, Cash and Nova, and 5 turtles!