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About Curneisha

Curneisha is 27 years old and lives in NY

Curneisha's time in foster care was traumatizing. It was very clear to her that most foster care parents were not working in the system for the right reasons. Out of the seven homes that she bounced around, only one of them provided her with love and support and the rest seemed to only be in it for the check. Curneisha aged out at 21 years old and had to quickly learn a lot about self preservation and taking care of herself without any support. Now, she is a hardworking mother of a beautiful one-year-old daughter. Due to COVID-19, she lost her job because she could not find proper child care which has been incredibly difficult. Her number one goal is to take care of her daughter and show her unending love and support. She wants to set a good example for her and go to college to get a degree and eventually get a house for the two of them. She is so proud of her ability to always make sure that her daughter is taken care of. She never wants her daughter to have to worry about anything, and if she can achieve that, she will feel so successful.