Anabella is a happy baby. She is trying her best to meet her milestones. She receives some therapeutic services that are helping her get back on track and she is making great progress. Anabella loves music and loves to dance.
Just for Fun
Comfy clothes for Anabella to stay cozy during the cold winter
A New Pair of Pajamas and Sweats for Anabella
New Fall and Winter Outfits for Anabella who needs warmer clothes
Health & Wellness
A New Wagon for Anabella who loves to go to the park
A Few Trips to Chuck E Cheese for Anabella who has weekly visits with her mom
Day Care Supplies for Anabella who is excited to start school
A Tablet for Anabella who is working on her speech
A new doll and stroller for Anabella who is a "great mom"
New clothes for Anabella who loves to dance along with any music