Cheyenne has a big imagination! She loves to play with her baby dolls and Barbie's. She enjoys reading and loves to pretend to be the main character in whatever book she is currently reading.
Just for Fun
A charm bracelet for Cheyenne who loves jewelry
A charm for Cheyenne to add to her bracelet
Summer Fun for Cheyenne to go to a church camp this summer
A T-Shirt Heat Press Machine for Cheyenne who wants to create her own t-shirt line
A New Video Game for Cheyenne to enjoy on her new Switch
A Set of Rainbow High Fashion Doll for Cheyenne who loves dolls
Education & Employment
A rolling case for Cheyenne to store her cosmetology supplies
A Nintendo Switch for Cheyenne who wants to regain hope
A blow dryer for Cheyenne who is taking cosmetology classes