Sheryl is outgoing and loves the outdoors and playing sports. She is very athletic and runs daily to maintain her health. Additionally, Sheryl is friendly and encourages her friends to stay positive.
Just for Fun
Vanity with lighted mirror for Sheryl which reminds her of her great grandma
Bath and Body Works for Sheryl who loves all of the fun holiday scents
A luxe towel warmer for Sheryl to relax and make her robe cozy
An electric scooter for Sheryl to be shocked to find under the tree this Christmas
A dresser for Sheryl who is working on keeping her space organized
A new pair of shoes for Sheryl to wear to play sports
A Trip to Dave and Busters for Sheryl to have some summer break fun
A Trip to Dave and Busters for Sheryl to have some spring break fun
A Juicer for Sheryl under the Christmas tree
A Laptop for Sheryl who loves learning about coding
Health & Wellness
A Ninja Professional Blender system for Sheryl and her healthy life
A Bike for Sheryl to find under the tree this Christmas