Raelynn is a sweet girl who was born with several special needs and was exposed to drugs in utero. She was placed in foster care, but despite everything she has endured, Raelynn is a true fighter who loves to snuggle!
Health & Wellness
Vibrating plate for RaeLynn to build more muscle tone
A supportive chair for RaeLynn who has low muscle tone
Sensory oral kit for RaeLynn to help with her feeding issues
Just for Fun
A Play Mat for RaeLynn who loves to play on soft surfaces
Swaddle SleepSack for RaeLynn to sleep well at night
Cozy boots for RaeLynn to stay warm this winter
A Sound Machine to help RaeLynn to sleep soundly at night
Baby gate to keep RaeLynn safe as she is on the move
Shoes for RaeLynn as she is learning to walk
Swing for RaeLynn to enjoy the warm summer weather
Sleep sack for RaeLynn to help her get good rest at night
Portable play yard and canopy for Raelynn so she can play safely outdoors
3-1 convertible high chair for RaeLynn who is in feeding therapy
A special Babocush cushion for RaeLynn who struggles with colic
Play mat for RaeLynn to safely roll around and play
A stroller for RaeLynn to travel to her medical appointments
Musical stroller arch for RaeLynn to play with on long car rides
Car seat for RaeLynn to keep her safe while traveling
Sleep sack for RaeLynn to sleep comfortably at night
Sleep sacks for RaeLynn to be provided with extra comfort and security
Baby dome for RaeLynn's own safe space
A Bouncer Seat to comfort RaeLynn who was exposed to drugs in utero