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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Glow in the Dark Blanket for Markariyah who loves unicorns

Posted Nov 23, 2022
Makaryah loves unicorns. She wants to get this unicorn blanket because it can glow in the dark. It will also keep her warm and cozy at night while she is sleeping. She will probably take her blanket everywhere she goes. She will be so excited to unwrap this awesome blanket this holiday season.

Makariyah is 8 years old and lives in TX

Makariyah loves changing into her princess dresses everyday. She is enjoys watching slime videos and following her older sister around. Makariyah is very brave and confident in everything that she does. She is very curious and enjoys exploring everything around her. She is in her first year of Kindergarten and is doing amazing!

The Wish Story

The Homes for Children requests this wish for Makariyah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Dustin grants the wish for Makariyah! Thanks Dustin.

"Happy Holidays Makaryah! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Homes for Children for Makariyah.

The Homes for Children receives the wish!

Makariyah receives the gift from The Homes for Children!

"Thanks for the glow in the dark blanket."

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