Hurry! See the wishes needed this week here.

About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Nintendo Switch Lite for Estrellita who likes to relax with gaming

Posted Nov 29, 2022
Estrellita enjoys playing video games after she has completed schoolwork and while relaxing in her foster home. She has requested a Nintendo Lite for Christmas, and would be so excited to open this up on Christmas morning.

Estrellita is 8 years old and lives in CA

Estrellia is a sweet little girl who has been in foster care for over a year. She has made a positive adjustment to her placement home. She loves to talk about a variety of topics and engages with ease. Estrellita loves to play pretend and loves dolls. She also loves outdoor activities and going to the park.

The Wish Story

Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides requests this wish for Estrellita.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jennifer grants the wish for Estrellita! Thanks Jennifer.

"Happy holidays! I hope you enjoy many adventures on your new Switch! Much love to you. <3"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides for Estrellita.

Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides receives the wish!

Estrellita receives the gift from Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides!

"On behalf of everyone here, thanks for making this wish come true!"

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