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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A play kitchen for Eliza to play with and develop her fine motor skills

Posted Dec 5, 2022
Eliza is an only child. She doesn't have a lot of friends because she cannot go anywhere alone and is only semi-verbal so it's hard for her to make friends. Eliza has recently become interested in helping her mom in the kitchen. Eliza is able to help with assistance. Eliza enjoys stirring and mixing by hand. She doesn't like the beater because of the noise, it's too loud. Eliza's favorite thing to make is chocolate chip pancakes. Eliza's just became involved with the Division and did not get on any Christmas lists. Her mother wishes for a play kitchen for Eliza since she is so interested in helping and feels it would be a really good toy to help Eliza with her development; however she is a single mom and cannot afford it at this time. This kitchen set would allow Eliza to "cook" anytime she wants and would help with her fine motor skills! It would be the best Christmas present ever!

Eliza is 7 years old and lives in NJ

Eliza is a beautiful little girl who brings so much joy to those around her. Eliza is semi-verbal autistic, enjoys life and everything around her and while she has her moments, she is mostly always happy. Eliza loves to spin in circles when listening to music, she loves ribbons and balloons and she enjoys watching movies on her Ipad.

The Wish Story

Division of Child Protection and Permanency requests this wish for Eliza.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Michael grants the wish for Eliza! Thanks Michael.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency for Eliza.

Eliza receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Monmouth County

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