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A Bassinet for sweet baby Leilani

Posted Dec 9, 2022
Leilani loves to sleep and the bassinet will allow her to be near her caretakers when she sleeps. Ensuring she has a clean and comfortable place to rest during the day will also help with her growth and development as well as her health. Leilani would benefit in having a mobile sleeping area so she may go with the caretaker throughout the day. This wish will help her sleep peacefully this holiday season!

Leilani is 2 years old and lives in GA

Leilani is a very healthy baby and has been a joy to all he is around. Leilani is a quiet little baby. Leilani loves being warm and laying on some ones chest. Leilani sleeps most of the time and wakes up to eat. Leilani enjoys being held and swaddled.

The Wish Story

Creative Community Services, Inc. requests this wish for Leilani.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Christopher grants the wish for Leilani! Thanks Christopher.

"Enjoy the Bassinet"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Creative Community Services, Inc. for Leilani.

Creative Community Services, Inc. receives the wish!

Leilani receives the gift from Creative Community Services, Inc.!

"Thank you!!"

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