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About This Wish

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A date night for Nathaniel and his wife to have a break

Posted Dec 18, 2022
Nathaniel and his wife enjoy having their kids but they are a lot of work to keep up with. He would love to take his wife out on a dinner date to their favorite restaurant, Applebee's, get a baby sitter for the night, and just treat her extra special because she does so much for their family. He is excited that he has recently started a new job where they won't have to worry about how the bills will be paid anymore. This will be a special treat for them which they never get to do.

Nathaniel is 22 years old and lives in CO

Nathaniel is a hard working dad who is growing as a father and a husband. He has one son and a daughter on the way! He is trying to be the best dad he can to his children and provide for them. Although, life hasn't always been easy, he has worked hard to get where he is. They moved into their first apartment this year and are successfully paying their bills. This has been a great learning opportunity for Nathaniel to see what life can be like. He continues to put one foot in front of the other so he can be a role model for his children.

The Wish Story

Foster Alumni Mentors requests this wish for Nathaniel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Nathaniel! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Nathaniel we hope you guys are able to get out for a much needed break and treat yourselves! Happy Holidays!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Alumni Mentors for Nathaniel.

Foster Alumni Mentors receives the wish!

Nathaniel receives the gift from Foster Alumni Mentors!

"Thank you for making this a special Christmas for my wife and I. "

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