Natalie is a quiet young lady who loves to make Tik Toks with her friends and brother, within the last year and a half she has gotten into makeup and has been practicing on herself and others. Natalie also likes to bake but most of all enjoys eating what she bakes.
Children's Institute requests this wish for Natalie.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Natalie! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Have a wonderful holiday season! Routing for you in every way. Please have a great start to 2023. Cheers, Jen"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children's Institute for Natalie.
Natalie receives the gift from Children's Institute!
"Natalie has shared a photo of her shoes she received for Christmas, and wants to thank OSW and the donors for her Nikes."