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Sensory Toys to help Gracelyn when she needs something to fidget with

Posted Dec 27, 2022
Gracelyn would like to have some new fidget toys for her sensory needs. She loves toys she can play with over and over and also hold in her hands. These sensory, interactive toys help her with sensory issues and also with learning how to calm herself and make her smile.

Gracelyn is 7 years old and lives in MO

Gracelyn is very sweet little girl. She loves her own little world. She has many medical needs and has been doing therapies and working on skills. She is learning to adapt to things around her. She loves bright colors; soft things and she also loves to play with toys. Gracelyn is a joy to be around.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Gracelyn! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Abilities First for Gracelyn.

Abilities First receives the wish!

Gracelyn receives the gift from Abilities First !

"Thank you for my sensory fidgets. I can play and play with these, and it helps me use my hands. I love to use these to calm myself and it makes me feel all better. I take these with me, and I carry them in my backpack or bag. Thank you for helping me feel better with some smiles you gave. "

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