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New Clothes for Meaghan who had a recent growth spurt

Posted Dec 28, 2022
One day Meaghan was wearing size 8 and when she woke up one morning she was in a size 10. That's literally overnight! Her pants are short at the legs and she is in need of winter clothes so she can stay warm during the cold months.

Meaghan is 10 years old and lives in TX

Meaghan has been through a lot. She has been in the foster care system since 2020. Her mom gave her rights up recently. Her siblings were adopted however, Meaghan was not. She is a complex child and comes from a family history of poverty, abuse, neglect and violations, She enjoys dancing, gymnastics, reading, and coloring.. Meaghan wants to work for NASA when she is older. She never meets an enemy. She is very polite.

The Wish Story

The Homes for Children requests this wish for Meaghan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

John grants the wish for Meaghan! Thanks John.

"Merry Christmas! I grew fast too!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Homes for Children for Meaghan.

The Homes for Children receives the wish!

Meaghan receives the gift from The Homes for Children!

"Thank you so much for the new clothes for Meaghan.."

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