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Help Essense Move into her New Home

Posted Jan 10, 2023
"I’m currently high risk in this pregnancy due to preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, I am in need of assistance with the move in costs for a rental I was approved for due tome being high risk I recently had to stop employment I had. My husband works fulltime at the local miner, We are having a hardship covering the whole move in costs due to recently moving into a home October 1st 2022, to come to find out that the environmental health and code enforcement had notified us that there is a carbon monoxide lead due to the hot water heater, and other major issues with septic system, electrical and losing electricity dude to the power box not being big enough to carry the power and structural damage and running illegally, So we have found a new, safe, and stable environment to live but due to our credit history we are being required to pay 2 deposits and 1 month rent of 3,000 I am asking assistance which is $3,000 so we can pay the rest for the 1st month. Just covering 2 deposits of 1500 each is a struggle due to all the rent and deposit we paid for this unsafe rental. With assistance in paying for this move in costs will be a huge blessing for my family and I because we will be able to have a safe, suitable and stable living for our children and myself due to the high risks. we have a budget to cover the rest of the month's costs due to employment and getting a raise for current employment from 16.00 a hr to 20.00 a hr end of January. Through company Cemex plant with local labor finders. Thank you."

Essense is 27 years old and lives in CA

Essense Toedt is a former foster youth from San Diego California 26 years old, A mommy of a 3-year-old daughter and One on the way due May 22nd 2023. She currently high risk in this pregnancy due to preeclampsia and gestational diabetes but is focused on moving forward and being the best person she can be for those she loves. She is connected to Just in time for former foster youth and will be working on her financial literacy.

The Wish Story

Just in Time for Foster Youth requests this wish for Essense.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Facebook grants the wish for Essense! Thanks *OSW Facebook.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Just in Time for Foster Youth for Essense.

Essense receives the wish from Just in Time for Foster Youth

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