A Trip to Petco for Christian to get accessories for fish tank
Posted Jan 12, 2023
Christian has been blessed to receive a fish tank. She would like to start working on decorating it with pretty flowers and stones. She is in need of help for purchasing the accessories. She is so excited about decorating it. She is taking her time to get it perfect. She is in need of a filter, lid for tank, rocks, and decor to make it gorgeous. She will be so excited to take this trip to Petco!
Department of Family and protective Services requests this wish for Christian.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
katy grants the wish for Christian! Thanks katy.
"Hi Christian: Hope you have lots of fun setting up your fish tank, take good care of your new friends."
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Family and protective Services for Christian.
Department of Family and protective Services receives the wish!
Christian receives the gift from Department of Family and protective Services!
"Christian said thank you"