Amy is an energetic, independent young woman who was previously in placement. Despite hardships and setbacks, Amy maintained focus and graduated from high school while taking on additional responsibilities within the household. Amy is family-oriented and continues to make sacrifices with no regret as she wants to create a better life for herself and her younger siblings. Amy recently became a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) and immediately continued increasing her skills and completed a Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) Certification on 5/10/23 and is currently preparing for the written exam. Amy's strong work ethic, determination, and resilience are especially impressive for her age!
Multicultural Community Services, Inc. requests this wish for Amy.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Katherine grants the wish for Amy! Thanks Katherine.
"Hi Amy! Great job on getting in to health care. I am a nurse and have found it to be such a solid and rewarding career. Lots of luck on all of your goals. Travel safely! <3 Love, Katie Rose"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Multicultural Community Services, Inc. for Amy.
Multicultural Community Services, Inc. receives the wish!
Amy receives the gift from Multicultural Community Services, Inc.!
"Thank you for granting this wish for Amy to continue attending classes!"