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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Shopping Trip for Franky who just entered care

Posted Mar 4, 2023
Franky was recently placed in foster care. Unfortunately, he only had a few clothing items when he arrived at the placement home. Franky needs new clothes, such as pants, t-shirts, and sweatshirts. The foster parents have purchased several new clothing items; however, Franky still needs warm clothes for the cold months. Franky would benefit from a shopping trip where he can choose the clothing items he likes.

Franky is 9 years old and lives in CA

Franky is a sweet and kind young boy. Franky was recently placed in foster care due to the passing of his father. The whereabouts of his mother are unknown. Franky is making a positive adjustment to being in foster care. He has a positive attitude and enjoys discussing various topics, especially Legos. Franky likes to play outside and visit the park. He is a good reader and enjoys drawing and coloring. He has developed a positive relationship with his foster family, and it is evident that he is comfortable in the home.

The Wish Story

Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides requests this wish for Franky.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Franky! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Franky, I hope you are able to find the stylin' clothes you want!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides for Franky.

Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides receives the wish!

Franky receives the gift from Bienvenidos Foster Family Agency/Hillsides!

"Thank you for making this dream come true! Franky is excited about going shopping at Old Navy!"

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