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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Ffew of Feliciana's favorite treats to get after her workouts

Posted Mar 16, 2023
Feliciana goes to the gym almost every morning, and she usually craves something sweet after working so hard! Her favorite place to go after exercising is CVS to pick out a couple of her favorite snacks.

Feliciana is 20 years old and lives in AZ

Feliciana has been through many hardships, but she is one of the most resilient youth her case worker has ever met. Education is incredibly important to Feliciana, so she stays after school for tutoring every day, communicates regularly with her guidance counselor, and is on track to graduate next year. Feliciana also loves being active - she takes almost 20,000 steps a day! She goes to the gym, takes walks in the neighborhood, and was on the school tennis team.

The Wish Story

Catholic Charities requests this wish for Feliciana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Stephanie grants the wish for Feliciana! Thanks Stephanie.


One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Catholic Charities for Feliciana.

Feliciana receives the wish from Catholic Charities

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