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About This Wish

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A New Bike for Damari who had to leave his borrowed bike when he moved

Posted Apr 13, 2023
Damari loves to ride his bike and has been trying to put one together from old bike parts he is collecting. He has never had his own bike and has always borrowed one from someone else. He was very upset he couldn't bring the bike he was using to his new foster home and asked for a new bike for years, and he has never had this dream come true. So this wish will surprise him and give him an outlet he desperately misses.

Damari is 13 years old and lives in VA

Damari is a very smart young man who is currently living in a foster home with his younger sibling. He loves school and wants to be an attorney to help other children who are in foster care. Damari loves being a big brother and helps his younger brother with homework and chores. He misses his family but understands his mother is getting the help she needs. Damari loves playing video games and basketball.

The Wish Story

Chesapeake Human Services requests this wish for Damari.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW Social grants the wish for Damari! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Chesapeake Human Services for Damari.

Damari receives the gift from Chesapeake Department of Human Services!

"Thank you so much for the bike!!!!!!"

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