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About This Wish

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Assistance with moving costs for a former foster youth fleeing domestic violence

Posted Apr 28, 2023
Azucena is a former foster youth and mother of two children who is fleeing domestic violence. After a year long battle and success with processing a restraining order against her abuser, Azucena has found herself in dire trouble with housing. For her family's safety, Azucena is being forced to relocate and was able to find a home an hour and a half from her current residence. She has been approved for a move-in date of May 1st, 2023 and is able to pay the deposit, but is requesting assistance to help pay for the requested first and last month of rent for the new place. Azucena has been able to sustain her family's living expenses thus far, but is unable to pay the additional month of rent on top of April's rent and utility payments.

Azucena is 25 years old and lives in CA

Azucena has begun to apply for jobs in the area and has interviews lined up in addition to exploring childcare options for her eldest son with down syndrome. Azucena has always maintained steady and reliable employment and has been able to support herself and her children. Fleeing from her abuser has placed her in a sudden financial crisis-- we are confident that Azucena will continue to be able to sustain her household's living expenses if granted this gift. Azucena will be an advocate and positive role model for women who are experiencing or are survivors of domestic violence. She ultimately hopes to pay it forward when she is in her new home and stable enough with work that she is able to return to school and be active in her community.

The Wish Story

Extraordinary Families: UP4Youth requests this wish for Azucena.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Azucena! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Extraordinary Families: UP4Youth for Azucena.

Azucena receives the wish from Extraordinary Families

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