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A Knott's Berry Farm Season Pass for Mary to have fun all summer long

Posted May 22, 2023
Mary LOVES amusement and water parks! She enjoys going on everything she can with her friends all year round. Summertime allows her the most social time to strengthen her bonds! She would love the opportunity to go between Knott's Soak City and the amusement park!

Mary is 19 years old and lives in CA

Mary is a sweet and compassionate person. She loves music, animals, and art. Mary loves playing with baby dolls and playing video games that have cute animals and Mario brothers. She has spent quite a few years in the foster system but always strives to make friends and help people. She is funny and creative!

The Wish Story

Milestone House requests this wish for Mary.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Mary! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Have a great summer and dont forget to wear sun screen! ;) Hope you make some great memories and have a lot of laughs!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Milestone House for Mary.

Mary receives the wish from Milestone House

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