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A bed canopy for Alex's new room

Posted May 15, 2023
Alex has been gradually revamping his room since Christmas, and the final addition is a canopy for his big boy bed. He has chosen a space-themed canopy that complements the overall decor of his bedroom. Alex is thrilled at the prospect of sleeping under the canopy and eagerly anticipates seeing how it looks once it's fully set up.

Alex is 6 years old and lives in NC

Alex is a rambunctious little man! He loves to play outside and swim. He is a very cuddling little guy. He has a close bond with his siblings. He has struggled with meeting some developmental milestones and is working on these things through different types of therapy.

The Wish Story

Foster Pantry Inc. requests this wish for Alex.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Alex! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Enjoy all that space has to offer"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Pantry Inc. for Alex.

Alex receives the wish from Foster Pantry Inc.

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