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A beautiful pink battery powered ride on car for Xayla to ride around the yard

Posted May 28, 2023
Xayla loves to play outside and would stay out all day if she could. She has seen some of the neighborhood kids who have battery powered ride on toys and would really like to have her own. She said if she could have her own car that she would drive her grandmother to all her dr appointments and take the kids to school. Can you just imagine the fun she would have if her wish were granted!

Xayla is 4 years old and lives in TN

Xayla is a highly energetic little girl with lots of beautiful curly hair who is definitely going to be an athlete of some sort one day. She jumps off of things and just keeps right on going. She jumps over things as she's running like she is jumping hurdles. She along with her 2 siblings are being raised by their grandparents. Her brother is special needs with autism and downs syndrome. He is nonverbal and very physically aggressive. They have to keep her at least arms reach away from him. He doesn't understand danger or mean to hurt her so they just have to stay on top of things. She loves him so much and always smiles when she hears or sees him. She loves to give hugs and always high fives or fist bumps. She is not talking yet but she is super smart.

The Wish Story

Grandparents As Parents requests this wish for Xayla.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Lowell Rodney Johnson Wish Fund grants the wish for Xayla! Thanks Lowell Rodney Johnson Wish Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grandparents As Parents for Xayla.

Xayla receives the wish from Grandparents As Parents

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