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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Driving lessons for Issa who wants to become more independent

Posted Jun 1, 2023
Issa wants to become even more independent. As she embarks on the road to entrepreneurship, having a driver's license will help her become more mobile. Please help her achieve her goal of becoming a licensed driver so she can have more employment opportunities.

Issa is 28 years old and lives in NY

Issa is a beautiful young woman with two adorable young children ages 7 and 10. She's a wonderful mom that strives to provide for her children. She is polite and hardworking and intends to one day open up her own business. She spent most of her teenage years in foster care and has finally moved into an apartment of her very own.

The Wish Story

City Living NY requests this wish for Issa.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

TTD Take Flight Fund grants the wish for Issa! Thanks TTD Take Flight Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the City Living NY for Issa.

City Living NY receives the wish!

Issa receives the gift from City Living NY!

"Issa would like to thank you for helping her towards her goal of independence. She said, "Wow I can't believe the level kindness that still exists out there in world; I really appreciate it, thank you so much!""

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