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Security Deposit for Barbara who is trying to get back on her feet

Posted Jun 20, 2023
After a severe stroke, the disabled veteran Barbara cared for for the past 5 years, passed away. Due to this, she unexpectedly lost her full-time job which was her sole income, and because she lived with the veteran she also lost her home for her and her children. With so many life changes, she has had to use her savings to ensure the survival of her and her children. Barbara is asking for help securing our housing (deposit) while she secures childcare for her 8-month-old daughter and supplement the income that I will be losing due to this devastating situation. She has fortunately found a full-time job now but cannot get back on her feet without some support .Anything and everything is appreciated. And we thank everyone in advance for your help.

Barbara is 26 years old and lives in CA

Barbara is a former foster youth who is also full-time student at SDSU, full-time employee, and a full-time mother of two children under 4 years old. She loves being with her family and giving back to her foster youth community!

The Wish Story

Just in Time for Foster Youth requests this wish for Barbara.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Barbara! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Just in Time for Foster Youth for Barbara.

Barbara receives the wish from Just in Time for Foster Youth

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