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Funding to Attend Nassan's Place (Summer Camp for Individuals and Familes Affected by Autism)

Posted Jun 26, 2023
Ja'Siyy (JJ), has been presented with the opportunity of attending a Summer Camp for 33 days with other individuals who are also living with Autism. JJ has also been chosen specifically to work as a Counselor as well to other youth in order to develop vocational skills and receive a scholarship to lower the cost of attendance. DCPP and CASA have raised partial funding for JJ to attend the camp which begins on July 5, 2023. Any amount of funding would help in paying JJ's entrance fee. JJ is currently a Junior in High School and has been assigned to my caseload due to an uncertainty of how he will develop vocational skills and independence. Myself, along with his support team believe that the camp would be helpful in teaching JJ responsibility.

Ja'Siyy is 18 years old and lives in NJ

Ja'siyy is a young man who is living with autism. He has a great heart and is passionate about playing video games. He hopes to pursue a career in developing video games once he graduates from High School. He has recently joined the PACES program, and after one meeting with Ja'siyy, I am excited to see where he goes in the future! He is currently doing well in his classes and helps at a local recreation center after school. Ja'siyy likes to be referred to as JJ and is reserved but has big dreams on the horizon.

The Wish Story

Community Access Unlimited requests this wish for Ja'Siyy.

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*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Ja'Siyy! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Community Access Unlimited for Ja'Siyy.

Ja'Siyy receives the wish from Community Access Unlimited

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