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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A laptop so Chrisla who was heartbroken when her cherished computer was vandalized

Posted Jun 30, 2023
Chrisla recently started higher education again and receiving a laptop from One Simple Wish helped her immensely, Chrisla, however, had an altercation with her roommate that ended with many of Chrisla's belongings being destroyed, including her computer. Chrisla is still attending school but is struggling now that she has to rely on the local library to do her work. A new laptop would help Chrisla continue to excel in her classes.

Chrisla is 23 years old and lives in NJ

Chrisla is a hardworking youth that is currently enrolled with DCPP. She had went to school at William Paterson but was forced to drop out due to health issues and now would like to try and attend school again. While she has the motivation she still needs some of the supplies that help students accel in academics.

The Wish Story

Care Plus NJ requests this wish for Chrisla.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Ronald grants the wish for Chrisla! Thanks Ronald.

"That certainly was heartbreaking when your computer got broken! Hope this new one gets you back on track with your educational goals with less time at the library! Best wishes to you! Stay well and be safe!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Care Plus NJ for Chrisla.

Chrisla receives the wish from CarePlus NJ

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