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A new mattress for Rudy who is sleeping on the floor

Posted Jun 22, 2023
Rudy just moved into his THP housing apartment. He doesn't have any furniture and is currently sleeping on the floor. Rudy really needs a decent night's sleep, which he can't get in his uncomfortable setup. A new mattress will help him sleep better, giving him a better outlook and keeping him healthy.

Rudy is 19 years old and lives in CA

After losing his mother to an aneurysm, Rudy was placed in the foster care system. He grew up in a dangerous neighborhood, but he overcame the challenges he faced and developed a positive outlook for his future. Rudy is set to graduate high school this June and has been accepted into CSUN University. He has a passion for collecting shoes and is determined to become independent.

The Wish Story

Children's Institute requests this wish for Rudy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Emily grants the wish for Rudy! Thanks Emily.

"Rudy - I hope you are able to get a good night's sleep and can rest easier on a comfortable mattress. Thank you for making my birthday wish come true by letting me share the love with you! You are enough, you matter, and you are magnificent. All the best, Tim "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children's Institute for Rudy.

Rudy receives the wish from Children's Institute

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