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Some Uber trips for Baru who has lots of activities to get to

Posted Jun 23, 2023
Baru has been busy and his mom just picked up a new job. His bus pass works only during the school year. An Uber card would allow him to attend various summer events that he has been invited to but has difficulty attending.

Baru is 16 years old and lives in CA

Baru is a well-traveled young man and has lived in multiple countries in Africa and Europe before moving to the US. He loves listening to 70s and 80s rock and funk and will sing along. He is very studious and his goal is to improve his English. He loves making beautiful things and teaching his friends French.

The Wish Story

Community Initiatives/Seen52 requests this wish for Baru.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Brooke grants the wish for Baru! Thanks Brooke.

"Enjoy your summer!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Community Initiatives/Seen52 for Baru.

Baru receives the gift from Community Initiatives/Seen52!

"Thank you very much. Baru was very touched. In general, he has a tendency to take on more than he should, so he felt that this helped lighten the load."

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