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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A shopping trip for Everly who has never picked out her own clothes

Posted Jun 27, 2023
Everly can't remember a time when she has ever picked out anything for herself, and she doesn't have many clothes or shoes that work for her right now. She would love to go with her great aunt to pick out a few things, and since things have been hard to adjust to in her new home, this will be a very special bonding experience for her.

Everly is 10 years old and lives in OH

Everly is a sweet older sister who tried hard to meet the needs of her younger siblings when her mom wasn't able to. She has a lot of guilt and frustration for being separated from her mom but is working through some of these hard feelings with a lot of support from others. She enjoys doing crafts and being with her siblings.

The Wish Story

Therapeutic Interagency Program requests this wish for Everly.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Everly! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Everly, enjoy your shopping trip! I hope you find something special that you will love. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Therapeutic Interagency Program for Everly.

Therapeutic Interagency Program receives the wish!

Everly receives the gift from Therapeutic Interagency Program !

"Thank you! Everly will be so happy to have a special shopping day!"

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