Lexi is a resilient, tenacious young woman living independently after spending three years in foster care before aging out. Her dad and stepmom were heavy drug users, and she lost her stepmom to a drug overdose. She has also been struck by the deaths of her grandparents just a few years back. She is a little lost now as she has lost so many she was close to, but she is striving and pushing to make ends meet and to create an independent life for herself. She relies on her service dog Cali who has been and continues to be a great source of support.
Preferred Behavioral Health Group requests this wish for Lexi.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Theophano grants the wish for Lexi! Thanks Theophano.
"Hi Lexi, I wish you with all my heart a speedy recovery. You are a brave young woman and you absolutely deserve this gift. God Bless you! Theo"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Behavioral Health Group for Lexi.
Lexi receives the gift from Preferred Behavioral Health Group!
"Theo, Thank you so much for the kind words and the wonderful gift. Your kind words brought tears to my eyes, it’s a gentle reminder to continue pushing and that I will get through this with time! This gift will really help me get through this rough patch by providing me with meals on the table to eat. Thank you again for your help and kind words. Lexi "