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A Hotel stay for Hatham who is thrilled to have the chance to see the Baltimore Ravens

Posted Jul 14, 2023
Haetham would love to see his favorite football team, the Baltimore Ravens, play live this season. He has never been to a game before, but has recently been given the chance to make this dream a reality! He is super excited to have the chance to cheer them on in person as a celebration of finishing high school, however, he is hoping that he can have his wish granted for a hotel to make the trip even more memorable!

Hatham is 20 years old and lives in NJ

Haetham is a motivated and kind young man interested in attending college in the Fall of 2023. Haetham is finishing his senior year and exploring different opportunities and career paths he may want to take. Haetham has gone through a lot of abandonment and is currently working on his mental health and stability. Haetham enjoys playing the guitar as he is enrolled in a Performing Arts School.

The Wish Story

Community Access Unlimited requests this wish for Hatham.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Hatham! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Enjoy your first game. I hope you have an amazing time!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Community Access Unlimited for Hatham.

Hatham receives the wish from Community Access Unlimited

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