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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Disneyland ticket for Jackson to see the Marvel characters that he loves

Posted Sep 12, 2023
Thanks to an amazingly generous supporter, this wish is just $25 for a limited time! Find out more at the link in the orange bar at the top of the site.*** It's so great to hear that Jackson had a wonderful school year! He must have worked incredibly hard to pass all his classes with such excellent grades. It's also fantastic that his home life has been going well, and that he's been keeping busy with baseball. Going to Disney to see the Marvels characters and enjoy a Dole Whip sounds like an amazing idea - I hope he gets the chance to do it soon!

Jackson is 13 years old and lives in CA

Jackson is a wonderful child who loves his siblings and will often provide emotional support when it appears it is needed. For example, he quickly hugs a sibling when it appears he or she is crying. He is fortunate to reside in the same home of two of his siblings. Jackson enjoys creating homes out of Lincoln Logs with his siblings as they will make elaborate homes. He can easily spend an hour creating a home and happily tell his foster parent all about the new home he created.

The Wish Story

A Greater Hope requests this wish for Jackson.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jackson! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Great job in school!! I hope you enjoy your well deserved trip to Disney!!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the A Greater Hope for Jackson.

A Greater Hope receives the wish!

Jackson receives the gift from A Greater Hope !

"Jackson is so greatly looking forward to being able to go to Disney. Thank you so much to this donor for granting Jackson's wish! "

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