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About This Wish

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A Hello Kitty Suffed Animal and Matching Blanket for Kailani who is struggling

Posted Jul 27, 2023
Kailani is currently staying with her older brother and could use a little help. She's been having a hard time understanding why she's not living with her natural mother and foster mother, and it's been causing her some difficulties. She's been going to therapy to work through these challenges. Kailani and her brother have been doing their best to adjust, but Kailani recently shared that she would love to have a new Hello Miss Kitty Stuffie and matching blanket to snuggle with at night. We were hoping you might be able to help us out by providing her with a sense of comfort and security through this small gift. Thank you so much for your kindness!

Kailani is 9 years old and lives in NJ

Kailani is a vibrant and lovable personality who's been in placement with her big brother since she was two years old. She's faced some challenges while in placement, but she's currently receiving counseling to help address her issues. Despite her struggles, Kailani continues to shine bright and spread joy to everyone she meets. She's a huge fan of playing Roblox with her friends and is absolutely obsessed with Hello Ms. Kitty. When it comes to summer, her favorite activity is swimming!

The Wish Story

Division of Child Protection & Permanency requests this wish for Kailani.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kailani! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Dear Kailani - I hope you enjoy your stuffy and blanket. I am also 8 years old and I handpicked your wish because we are the same age and I also like Roblox. Don’t forget that you are special and wonderful! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection & Permanency for Kailani.

Kailani receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Atlantic County

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