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About This Wish

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A Laptop for Vella to assist her with achieving her goals

Posted Aug 3, 2023
Vella dreams of opening a business to employ foster youths like herself. She is enrolled in community college to take business courses and to transfer to a University to earn a degree in business. Having her computer will relieve Vella's stress, allowing her to get things done on her time. Helping Vella obtain a laptop computer will assist her with completing schoolwork and achieving her goal of earning a business degree.

Vella is 20 years old and lives in CA

Vella has been in the foster system since she was 11 years old. She is a sociable individual who finds pleasure in acquiring new knowledge, and she intends to pursue her education beyond high school. She plans to enroll in a community college to obtain a degree in business. Her ultimate goal is to establish her own business, which will provide employment opportunities for former foster youths.

The Wish Story

LA County DCFS requests this wish for Vella.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Shelley BTS Match grants the wish for Vella! Thanks Shelley BTS Match.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the LA County DCFS for Vella.

Vella receives the wish from CA DCFS - Los Angeles County

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