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A hoodie for Aiden to wear back to school this fall

Posted Jul 28, 2023
Aiden is getting ready for a new adventure as he starts middle school this fall. He's feeling a bit nervous, but also excited about the new experiences ahead. At the moment, he's living with his grandmother, who is on a fixed income, while his parents work on getting better. Aiden would like a new hoodie to help him feel confident and ready for the challenges of school.

Aiden is 14 years old and lives in IN

Aiden is a polite young man who has overcome many challenges. He has struggled with ADHD and mood disorders. He did very well last year and likes attending school now. Aiden is fiercely protective of his family-particularly his mom, and has a very close bond with her. Aiden loves to play video games as well as playing outside. He was proud of his school accomplishments last year. Aiden might like to be a firefighter or a video game designer.

The Wish Story

Advocates for Children requests this wish for Aiden.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Aiden! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Aiden! Enjoy your new sweatshirt. I hope you have a wonderful school year :) - Sam Nate and Leo "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Advocates for Children for Aiden.

Advocates for Children receives the wish!

Aiden receives the gift from Advocates for Children!

"Wonderful! Thank you so much!"

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