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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Tops for Roxie to look and feel confident in high school

Posted Aug 14, 2023
Roxie is hoping to get some new clothes for the upcoming school year. She's growing up quickly and becoming more aware of how she presents herself. By allowing her to shop for herself, she'll be able to gain some independence and feel confident as she enters her junior year of high school. Roxie would be incredibly grateful for any help she can get!

Roxanne is 17 years old and lives in FL

Roxanne is a sweet teen who goes by her nickname, Roxie. Roxie excels academically and is super helpful and respectful. She is ambitious, insightful, and a good role model to her younger siblings. Roxie enjoys hanging out with her friends, reading, and playing video games, and she is currently the stage manager for a play.

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Roxanne! Thanks Awesome Human.


One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Directions for Living for Roxanne.

Directions for Living receives the wish!

Roxanne receives the gift from Directions for Living!

"Roxie had so much fun picking out some new things for school. She shared that she felt so good walking into a new school on her first day. Thank you for granting Roxie's wish, it meant so much and she was very grateful! "

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