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About This Wish

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A frame to showcase Demetria's college diploma

Posted Sep 29, 2023
Demetria would like a frame for her college diploma. She is very proud that she graduated from college with a degree in computer science. This frame will allow her to hang the diploma in her first apartment, displaying her document along with an embossed school logo. This is a great accomplishment, and she should showcase it!

Demetria is 23 years old and lives in NY

Demetria is an inspiration. Demetria is tenacious but incredibly friendly and loving. She lights up every room she walks into with her warm smile and positive attitude about life. Despite growing up in foster care and experiencing many hardships, she graduated college and will now be attending graduate school.

The Wish Story

Court Appointed Special Advocates requests this wish for Demetria.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Demetria! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I’m so proud of you for achieving such a big goal and wanting to see it daily as a reminder to stay strong, positive and use that same determination to thrive in all your future goals. Congrats, wishing you all the best in life! Hugs "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Court Appointed Special Advocates for Demetria.

Demetria receives the wish from CASA NY - New York County

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