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About This Wish

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A PS4 for Edward who has been asking for a gaming system for a very long time

Posted Aug 31, 2023
Edward has been through a lot before coming into care and even more recently. He and his grandmother didn't have housing for several months last year. They are in a stable situation, and Edward would love to have a PS4. He has been asking for one for a very long time and his grandmother can't afford it. To receive this would truly make his year!

Edward is 11 years old and lives in CA

Edward is a loving young man. Unfortunatly, he went through a lot in his younger years. Edward was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and abused as a child. He was almost three years old when he came to live with his grandmother, now his legal guardian. He's been in therapy since he was five. He's diagnosed with ADHD and autism. He's a good kid at heart and has a big soul. He's loving, caring, and has a lot he wants to accomplish.

The Wish Story

Urban Surf 4 Kids requests this wish for Edward.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Edward! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Edward! I hope you enjoy your PS4, I am so happy to grant your wish Eleanor"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Urban Surf 4 Kids for Edward.

Edward receives the gift from Urban Surf 4 Kids!

"Thank you for gifting Edward his dream PS4. I am his grandmother who took custody of him after he was removed by CPS. I was not expecting to raise a child at my age and do not have the funds to be able to buy him everything he wants, especially luxuries like video games. You have made his year. Thank you!"

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