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A safe car seat for Christopher who is quickly outgrowing his infant carrier

Posted Sep 28, 2023
Christopher recently celebrated his first birthday! He is growing quickly and, as a result, is reaching the end of his height and weight limit for his infant carrier. A new convertible car seat will last Christopher years as he continues to grow, providing a safe space for his travels.

Christopher is 2 years old and lives in GA

Christopher is irresistibly adorable, loves a crowd, and is always happy to follow the flow. He loves his older siblings and soaks up the attention he receives from them. He is always quick to flash a toothy grin at everyone he meets. Christopher is charming, and he knows it, and everyone who meets him adores him.

The Wish Story

Carroll County Foster Parent Association requests this wish for Christopher.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Christopher! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Praying for you Christopher! I have a two year old and four year old and know just how important it is for babies to feel safe-in all areas of life. Hoping this seat is exactly what you need :) "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Carroll County Foster Parent Association for Christopher.

Christopher receives the wish from Carroll County Foster Parent Association

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