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About This Wish

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Tuition for Ashton to finish his high school diploma early

Posted Sep 7, 2023
Ashton lives with his aunt and her six children and recently decided he was ready to work full-time to help the family and attend online high school. He found this program to help him fast-track his way through the remainder of high school so he can start a trade. He only needs nine more credits to graduate. Ashon's Chafee program is covering some of the cost, Ashton is covering some, and he is asking for some help. He started this program three weeks ago and has already completed 3 of the classes! He is motivated and determined to complete it in 8 weeks so he can look at trade schools in January. This program was the fastest way for him to graduate early and be able to attend a college or trade school right away. He would be over the moon to get some help paying for this. He can't wait to finish up high school and start working on reaching his goals.

Ashton is 17 years old and lives in MO

Ashton is a motivated and determined young man, who dreams of being a mechanic and maybe owning his own shop one day. He has been living with his aunt and her large family for several years since coming into foster care. He has recently decided to work to help the family out and do online school. He truly takes on responsibility like an adult and always thinks of others first before himself.

The Wish Story

Preferred Family Health Services requests this wish for Ashton.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Ashton! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Good luck!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Family Health Services for Ashton.

Preferred Family Health Services receives the wish!

Ashton receives the gift from Preferred Family Health Services!

"To the Granter. Thank You so much for giving such a huge gift to a youth you have never met. You have motivated me so much I am almost half way done with my study's. You have showed me that if a complete stranger will pay for my education I better complete it. You have no idea how much you be the reason I graduate early. Thank You for putting your trust in me. Ashton Thank You also from PFH for showing this youth that there are people who care in this world. His GPA is higher then it has been and seeing him be so proud of himself is a amazing thing. "

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