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Balance beam for Natalia to develop her muscle strength

Posted Sep 12, 2023
Natalia came into care being so neglected that she was developmentally behind physically, especially in her legs, and couldn’t walk without bumping into things or tripping and falling over. Since being placed in foster care, Natalia has spent a significant amount of time in Occupational Therapy to help with this. This balance beam will be perfect for Natalia to keep strengthening her muscles and have fun. She will be sure to work on muscle development and coordination with this fun outlet. This would make a very happy birthday gift for sweet Natalia.

Natalia is 6 years old and lives in NE

Natalia is a fun-loving, active, and sassy youth. She came from a large family and now lives with one of her older biological sisters in the same foster home. She is obsessed with pink, loves to dance, tumble around, walk the family dogs, and play with her sister. Natalia enjoys school, and swimming lessons, and is looking forward to gymnastics lessons soon. Natalia is extremely resilient and has courageously pushed through many obstacles. When this worker comes to the home for a visit, Natalia greets this worker with a smile and an update on what she has done that day or that week. She is a bright light!

The Wish Story

CEDARS Youth Services requests this wish for Natalia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Natalia! Thanks Awesome Human.

"From one Natalia to another, have fun with your new balance beam! Happy Birthday, Love Natalia! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CEDARS Youth Services for Natalia.

CEDARS Youth Services receives the wish!

Natalia receives the gift from CEDARS Youth Services !

"Thank you! Natalia is so excited!"

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