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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A DNA kit for Sheyanne to learn about her family

Posted Nov 16, 2023
Another amazingly generous supporter is underwriting the cost of all of the longest-waiting wishes, so this wish is just $25 – today only! *** Sheyanne has been in foster care since elementary school and knows very little about her biological family. She would benefit from the opportunity to learn about her genes and heritage and explore the biological family she has. This would help her with her identity and possibly build relationships with the family she's been disconnected from. In addition to family history info, she will get information on health predispositions, carrier status, trait reports, and more, which would help her understand how her genes impact her health.

Sheyanne is 20 years old and lives in AZ

Sheyanne has been in foster care most of her life. She had an original dependency and was adopted, but was returned to foster care and eventually aged out at 18. She continues to participate in Extended Foster Care and receives support. Sheyanne recently graduated high school and is navigating what comes next.

The Wish Story

Arizona Department of Child Safety requests this wish for Sheyanne.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Sheyanne! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Arizona Department of Child Safety for Sheyanne.

Sheyanne receives the wish from AZ DCS - Pima County

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