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About This Wish

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Study chair for Ariah to study in her room

Posted Sep 24, 2023
Ariah recently gained a foster brother and needs her private study space. Before, she is as choosing to do homework at the kitchen table, but now she would like to work out of her room to have more quiet and privacy. The desk chair will allow her to study and compete her homework in the privacy of her room.

Ariah is 15 years old and lives in NM

Ariah came into care several years ago and has not let it slow her down. She is academically driven and will not settle for anything less than her best. Ariah is very fond of books, particularly the Harry Potter series, and spends much of her time learning something new through books. She's a self-proclaimed "nerd." Ariah also enjoys spending time outdoors, including walking, camping, observing nature, and biking. Additionally, Ariah is excited about going to college but is often told that foster care kids "don't even graduate high school," and she is using this as her driving force to excel in school.

The Wish Story

Children Youth and Families Department requests this wish for Ariah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Grace grants the wish for Ariah! Thanks Grace.

"My dad was a foster kid, and he finished school, graduated college, had a career in the Army (pilot) and then 2 successful businesses after that. So don't listen to the nay-sayers - with your dedication you will get wherever you want to go! Best wishes! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children Youth and Families Department for Ariah.

Children Youth and Families Department receives the wish!

Ariah receives the gift from Children Youth and Families Department!

"Thank you for helping Ariah have her own study space!"

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