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About This Wish

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A tablet for Teriyah to keep busy during quiet times

Posted Oct 4, 2023
Teriyah would love a new tablet because she has never had anything like that of her own. She is in a very large family, with 10 children total, being raised by a single foster mom. With so many siblings, it is rare that she gets items that are just for her. She doesn't mind having to share things with siblings, but the feeling of something being her own would be very special to her. The tablet would provide a way for her to wind down and spend some quiet time alone when she needs it.

Teriyah is 7 years old and lives in FL

Teriyah is one of 10 siblings in a foster home, being raised by a single mom. She is very smart, and loves to talk! She is sassy, but also extremely sweet and caring. She loves to learn new things, and loves being outside. She has been through a lot in her life, but always seems to come out on the other side of things with a positive outlook.

The Wish Story

Hands and Feet requests this wish for Teriyah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Teriyah! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Have fun with your new tablet, Teriyah! Your Friend, John"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Hands and Feet for Teriyah.

Teriyah receives the gift from Hands and Feet!

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